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High School Diploma & GED

High School Completion Options

Livermore Adult Education provides the resources for students over the age of 18 to complete a High School Diploma or successfully complete the GED Tests and earn a Certificate of High School Equivalency.

When you enroll at Livermore Adult Education, you will meet one-on-one with an advisor who will work with you to develop a plan that best meets your needs and moves you forward toward achieving your goals. 

For some people, the goal is to finish as quickly as possible. Others may want to spend more time, focusing on specific areas of study in preparation for their next step. Some students may need only a few months to reach their goal. Others may need longer. 

Your educational journey at Livermore Adult Education will be as unique as you are.  

Click on the links below to learn more about each program.

  1. The High School Diploma Program offers adult students the opportunity to complete the classes needed to earn a Livermore Adult Education High School Diploma. 
  2. The GED Preparation Classes provide adult students the opportunity to build their academic skills to the level needed to pass the four GED subject tests.