Computer Skills
Computers are an important part of today’s modern world (Internet search, Emailing, job search, supporting your K-12 children’s learning, etc). At Livermore Adult Education, we teach the essential ideas of computers to adult learners with no prior computer experience. The class starts from Sep to May, and these are the modules you will be learning:
- Basic Computer Skills (September)
- Uploading photos from your phone to the computer (September)
- Using Email (October)
- Internet Basics (October, November)
- Google Docs (also will be creating a resume, a coversheet, etc) (November, December, January, February)
- Google Slides (making party invitations, working on a class presentation, etc) (November, December, January, February)
- Google Sheets (making travel planner, creating daily schedule, etc) (February, March)
- Career Search Skills (editing/formatting resume, coverletter, introducing job posting websites) (April, May)
- Accessing Telehealth Appointments (May)
- Supporting K-12 Distance Learning (Introducing/Assisting Adult students with LVJUSD registration websites, Job posting websites (Throughout the school year)
- Transiting adult students to meet with Triv-valley Career Center job specialist
After mastering all 8 modules with badges/certifications, you will graduate with a portfolio ( or an E-portfolio) to present your technology skills in pursuit of more advanced training or career pathways elsewhere.